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Есть ли StgOpenStorageEx в реализации WinAPI Delphi?   Найти похожие ветки 

Damage   (2002-11-07 00:08) [0]

Понадобилось использовать StgOpenStorageEx, и чего-то не смог найти. Нашел только StgOpenStorage в ole2.dcu. Это аналог, или что-то другое? И можно ли ее использовать для получения свойств файла?

Сахаров Сергей   (2002-11-07 12:36) [1]

StgOpenStorageEx реализована только начиная с Win2k и соответственно в Delphi не прописана.
Так что ручками прописывать придётся.

Немного из MSDN:
To get a pointer to the compound file implementation of IPropertySetStorage, specify the header-defined name for the identifier IID_IStorage as the riid parameter, or use the StgCreateStorageEx or StgOpenStorageEx functions. In both cases, specify STGFMT_STORAGE as the stgfmt parameter. (STGFMT_ANY can alternatively be specified in the case of StgOpenStorageEx.) Also, specify the header-defined name for the interface identifier (IID) IID_IPropertySetStorage as the riid parameter. Both functions supply a pointer to the object"s IPropertySetStorage interface.

An alternative way to get a pointer to the compound file implementation is to specify the header-defined name for the identifier IID_IStorage as the riid parameter, or to use the StgCreateDocfile or StgOpenStorage functions. This will supply a pointer to the object"s IStorage interface. When you want to deal with persistent property sets, call IStorage::QueryInterface for the IPropertySetStorage interface.

When to Use
Call the methods of IPropertySetStorage to create, open, or delete property sets in the current compound-file property set storage. There is also a method, IPropertySetStorage::Enum, that supplies a pointer to an enumerator that can be used to enumerate the property sets in the storage.

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