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Maximov (2003-05-17 10:04) [0]EM_CHARFROMPOS и EM_LINEFROMCHAR - Что за звери и как их использовать?
На форуме (в общих вопросах) посоветовали для моих целей
но как с ними обращаться не могу сообразить.
Пожалуйста, киньте ссылочку на толковое описание,
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Malder (2003-05-17 12:38) [1]An application sends an EM_CHARFROMPOS message to retrieve the zero-based character index and zero-based line index of the character nearest the specified point in an edit control.
wParam = 0;
lParam = MAKELPARAM(x, y)
Value of the low-order word of lParam. Specifies the x-coordinate of a point in the edit control"s client area. The coordinate is relative to the upper-left corner of the client area.
Value of the high-order word of lParam. Specifies the y-coordinate of a point in the edit control"s client area. The coordinate is relative to the upper-left corner of the client area.
Return Values
The return value specifies the character index in the low-order word and the line index in the high-order word. For single-line edit controls, the line index is always 0. The return value is the last character in the edit control if the given point is beyond the last character in the control. The return value is -1 if the specified point is outside the client area of the edit control.
See Also
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Malder (2003-05-17 12:38) [2]An application sends an EM_LINEFROMCHAR message to retrieve the index of the line that contains the specified character index in a multiline edit control. A character index is the number of characters from the beginning of the edit control.
wParam = (WPARAM) ich; // character index
lParam = 0; // not used; must be zero
Value of wParam. Specifies the character index of the character contained in the line whose number is to be retrieved. If the ich parameter is -1, either the line number of the current line (the line containing the caret) is retrieved or, if there is a selection, the line number of the line containing the beginning of the selection is retrieved.
Return Values
The return value is the zero-based line number of the line containing the character index specified by ich.
In a rich edit control, if the character index is greater than 64K, use the message EM_EXLINEFROMCHAR.
See Also
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Malder (2003-05-17 12:40) [3]MSDN & Win32sdk
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Maximov (2003-05-17 14:38) [4]А по русски? 8)
Я очень благодарен за ответ! Но...
Это больше похоже на выписку из борландовского хелпа.
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Malder (2003-05-17 14:51) [5]Это и есть оно. Проблемы с английским ? Берем словарик или пользуемся эллектронными вариантами
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SerB (2003-06-05 04:51) [6]To malder? Не забудь свой родной язык, уж сильно много словарей перелопатить прийдется, тебя же как человека спросили, а ты выебываешься
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Форум: "WinAPI";
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