Текущий архив: 2004.05.23;
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ВнизКак узнать информацию о ярлыке по пути его нахождения ? Найти похожие ветки
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Midaw © (2004-04-01 14:29) [0]Как узнать информацию о ярлыке по пути его нахождения, т.е. создать IShellLink с информацией о существующем ярлыке ?
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VMcL © (2004-04-01 18:55) [1]
TLinkInfo = packed record
Path: String;
Args: String;
WorkDir: String;
ShowCmd: TWindowState;
Descr: String;
IconPath: String;
IconIdx: Integer;
Hotkey: Word;
function ReadLink(var ALink: TLinkInfo; const AFileName: String): Boolean;
Obj: IUnknown;
Lnk: IShellLink;
pFile: IPersistFile;
Cmd: Integer;
WFileName: WideString;
pc: TPathBuf;
FD: TWin32FindData;
Mx = SizeOf(pc) - 1;
Result := False;
Obj := CreateComObject(CLSID_ShellLink);
if Obj = nil then
raise Exception.Create(
"ReadLink: cannot create IShellLink interface object.");
Lnk := Obj as IShellLink;
pFile := Obj as IPersistFile;
WFileName := WideString(AFileName);
if pFile.Load(PWideChar(WFileName),
stgm_Read or stgm_Share_Deny_Write) <> S_OK then Exit;
if Lnk.GetDescription(pc, Mx) <> S_OK then Exit;
ALink.Descr := StrPas(pc);
if Lnk.GetPath(pc, Mx, FD, 0) <> S_OK then Exit;
ALink.Path := pc;
if Lnk.GetArguments(pc, Mx) <> S_OK then Exit;
ALink.Args := pc;
if Lnk.GetWorkingDirectory(pc, Mx) <> S_OK then Exit;
ALink.WorkDir := pc;
if Lnk.GetShowCmd(Cmd) <> S_OK then Exit;
case Cmd of
sw_ShowNormal: ALink.ShowCmd := wsNormal;
sw_ShowMinNoActive: ALink.ShowCmd := wsMinimized;
sw_ShowMaximized: ALink.ShowCmd := wsMaximized;
raise ERangeError.CreateFmt(
"ReadLink: unexpected value of "show command" (%d).", [Cmd]);
if Lnk.GetIconLocation(pc, Mx, ALink.IconIdx) <> S_OK then Exit;
ALink.IconPath := CopyStr(pc);
if Lnk.GetHotkey(ALink.Hotkey) <> S_OK then Exit;
Result := True;
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VMcL © (2004-04-01 18:57) [2]Забыл:
TPathBuf = packed array [0 .. MAX_PATH] of Char;
Страницы: 1 вся ветка
Текущий архив: 2004.05.23;
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