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pdobrev (2003-05-13 19:59) [0]See the procedure:
procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
I have to get the usernames of the connected users to my database.
At the present I am using the dbExpress component: SQLConnection
When I use the Interbase component: IBDatabase I can see the value of the "user_name" (Label1) -the name of the connected user
When I use the dbExpress component: SQLConnection is inpossible to get the value of the "user_name"(Label2) the name of the connected user
Can you help me to use the dbExpress component- SQLConnection to get the name of the connected users?
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Johnmen (2003-05-13 21:09) [1]Params names of SQLConnection depends on connection type.
In this case (above) you need to know param name of <UserName>.
May be the "user_name" isn"t valid name...:)
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kaif (2003-05-14 02:18) [2]If SQLConnection1.Params is of type TStrings,
You can try to see all items using
procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
Then if You cannot find strings like
or something similar, may be TSQLConnection especially hides (clear) this information after connection to database for further security purposes (I don"t know).
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Alexandr (2003-05-14 07:02) [3]о, форум превращается в международный...
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