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Текущий архив: 2003.05.08;
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ArtemB   (2003-04-17 07:01) [0]

Как заводить данные в отсортированной таблице по Order By ???

ЮЮ   (2003-04-17 07:06) [1]

Данные в таблмце заводятся методом Insert. OrderBy бывает только в запросе.

Соловьев   (2003-04-17 09:47) [2]

See the documentation for the specific database system used for the criteria needed for a live query result set.

ArtemB   (2003-04-17 10:58) [3]

Paradox таблица.... читают несколько пользователей этот DB по сети.

Anatoly Podgoretsky   (2003-04-17 11:02) [4]

Количество пользователей влияет только на количество повреждений базы, зависимость даже не линейная.

Соловьев   (2003-04-17 11:04) [5]

Single-table queries

Queries that retrieve data from a single table are updatable provided that:

There is no DISTINCT key word in the SELECT.
Everything in the SELECT clause is a simple column reference or a calculated column, no aggregation is allowed. Calculated columns remain read-only.
The table referenced in the FROM clause is an updatable base table.
There is no GROUP BY or HAVING clause.
There are no subqueries in the statement.
There is no ORDER BY clause.

The read-only effect of an ORDER BY clause is negated and the query updatable if the ORDER BY clause uses a single column and there is a dBASE single-column primary or secondary index based on that same field. dBASE compound (expression) indexes will not negate the read-only effect of an ORDER BY clause. A Paradox single- or multi-field primary index will make the query updatable if the ORDER BY uses exactly the same columns (in the same order) as the index. Paradox secondary indexes will not negate the read-only effect of an ORDER BY clause.

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Текущий архив: 2003.05.08;
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