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How do I select Найти похожие ветки
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rashad © (2004-09-22 11:36) [0]
Hello Everybody.
I have got a very difficult situation, I cannot select data from database that exactly matches the given condition.
The point is:
I store this data in many tables of the database.
The database is created in SQL SERVER 2000
I load data using View named ViewTransactions
Fields of the result is:
transID, ref, quantity, TransDate, dateAdded, spareID, spareNum, TransType, ModuleName, IsOut.
I must load only those spareParts, which has Total Sales for the last N monthes, more than their balance.
To find TotalSale and Balance I have own algorytms,
- Total sales is total OUT transactions registered for the spare.
- Total balance is total IN transactions minus total OUT transactions.
How do I create query that returns to me that I need?
You can reply in Russian.
Thanks preliminary :)
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Johnmen © (2004-09-22 11:41) [1]Нет. Лучше ты по-русски.
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jack128 © (2004-09-22 11:44) [2]rashad © (22.09.04 11:36)
Транслит допускается, так что изволь уж перевести ;-)
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Rule © (2004-09-22 11:51) [3]чегото ты браток намутил такого, что я даже со своим знаниями английского не все понял, ты опиши значения полей а не их названия, потомучто логика не понятна
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Плохиш © (2004-09-22 11:59) [4]
> rashad © (22.09.04 11:36)
You must read books first
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Rule © (2004-09-22 12:00) [5]но насколько я понял запрос будет выглядеть так
select spareID from ViewTransactions a where
((select sum(quantity) from ViewTransactions b where a.ViewTransactions=b.ViewTransactions and isOut={true} and TransDate>:dt)>((select sum(quantity) from ViewTransactions b where a.ViewTransactions=b.ViewTransactions and isOut={false} and TransDate>:dt)-(select sum(quantity) from ViewTransactions b where a.ViewTransactions=b.ViewTransactions and isOut={true} and TransDate>:dt))) and TransDate>:dt
где :dt можешь посчитать типа сейчас минус количество твоих N- месяцев
а {true} и {false} - это признак того OUT transaction у тебя или IN transaction соответственно
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Rule © (2004-09-22 12:01) [6]хотя это только предположение, так как о лигеке полей я судил судя по названиям, которые не так уж и прозрачны
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Rule © (2004-09-22 12:02) [7]Rule © (22.09.04 12:00) [5]
небольшая ошибка, корректирую
select spareID from ViewTransactions a where
((select sum(quantity) from ViewTransactions b where a.ViewTransactions=b.ViewTransactions and isOut={true} and TransDate>:dt)>((select sum(quantity) from ViewTransactions с where a.ViewTransactions=с.ViewTransactions and isOut={false} and TransDate>:dt)-(select sum(quantity) from ViewTransactions d where a.ViewTransactions=d.ViewTransactions and isOut={true} and TransDate>:dt))) and TransDate>:dt
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stone © (2004-09-22 12:03) [8]Hello, rashad.
For the decision of this problem you should:
1. To specify structure of the tables containing fields sales, balance and other.
2. To write in Russian that a lot the person could understand you.
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Sandman25 © (2004-09-22 12:09) [9]select spareParts
from ViewTransactions
where TrandDate > dateAdd(тут по BOL сами найдете, что писать)
group by 1
having sum(
case IsOut
when Out
end) > 0
Дело в том, что из sales > balance следует, что 2*Out > In
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rashad © (2004-09-22 15:21) [10]Спосибо Rule.
But I tried to use the query that you provided. But Enterprice Manager throws an exception saying:
Invalid Coulumn Name "ViewTransactions".
I remind that, ViewTransactions is just a View, not a Table or field.
Please, tell me more detailed :)
Thanks Preliminary.
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Карелин Артем © (2004-09-22 15:27) [11]U should write transID instead of ViewTransactions after dots.
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Rule © (2004-09-22 15:38) [12]rashad © (22.09.04 15:21) [10]
хех, коенчно неправильно(чегото не о том думал когда писал), надо сделать так :
select spareID from ViewTransactions a where
((select sum(quantity) from ViewTransactions b where a.spareID=b.spareID and isOut={true} and TransDate>:dt)>((select sum(quantity) from ViewTransactions с where a.spareID=с.spareID and isOut={false} and TransDate>:dt)-(select sum(quantity) from ViewTransactions d where a.spareID=d.spareID and isOut={true} and TransDate>:dt))) and TransDate>:dt
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сергей1 (2004-09-22 18:05) [13]>2. To write in Russian that a lot the person could understand you.
everybody, who don"t have a russian keyboard should do just like Rashad, i.e. write in english, because it is much easier to understand than translit, I hate translit. When I read such text, I often cannot undestand what is it about. All programmers, even they are russian, are able to read english text, because if you aren"t, you shouldn"t be a programmer. So please, ne pishite vot tak !
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jack128 © (2004-09-22 18:10) [14]сергей1 (22.09.04 18:05) [13]
Читаем правила. По полного просветления (с) ИШ
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ЮЮ © (2004-09-23 03:37) [15]>Total sales is total OUT transactions registered for the spare.
SELECT spareID, SUM(quantity) TotalOuts
FROM Table /* not from View - it"s faster */
WHERE (IsOut = 1) /* AND <dates limitation> */
In same way for IN transactions we have:
SELECT spareID, SUM(quantity) TotalIns
FROM Table /* not from View - it"s faster */
WHERE (IsOut = 0) /* AND <dates limitation> */
Now set relation between two results:
ISNULL(Outs.spareID, Ins.spareID) spareID,
ISNULL(TotalOuts, 0) TotalOuts,
ISNULL(TotalIns, 0) TotalIns,
ISNULL(TotalOuts, 0) - ISNULL(TotalIns, 0) Balance
( SELECT spareID, SUM(quantity) TotalOuts
FROM Table /* not from View - it"s faster */
WHERE (IsOut = 1) /* AND <dates limitation> */
) Outs
SELECT spareID, SUM(quantity) TotalIns
FROM Table /* not from View - it"s faster */
WHERE (IsOut = 0) /* AND <dates limitation> */
) Ins
ON Outs.spareID = Ins.spareID
/* sales > balance
sales > ins - sales
ins < 2 * sales
ISNULL(TotalIns, 0) < 2 * ISNULL(TotalOuts, 0)
Do you undestand? :)
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Rule © (2004-09-23 09:21) [16]Мы тут карячемся на буржуйском языке, а автору помоему пофиг :)
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