Текущий архив: 2008.01.20;
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Как узнать об изменении CheckBox Найти похожие ветки
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SKIPtr (2007-12-20 12:11) [0]Каким событием можно воспользоваться чтоб узнать что CheckBox изменило своё состояние
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Desdechado © (2007-12-20 12:14) [1]
Use the OnClick event handler to respond when the user clicks the control. If the control has an associated action, and that action has an OnExecute method, the action’s OnExecute method responds to click events unless it is superseded by an OnClick event handler.
Usually OnClick occurs when the user presses and releases the left mouse button with the mouse pointer over the control. This event can also occur when
The user selects an item in a grid, outline, list, or combo box by pressing an arrow key.
The user presses Spacebar while a button or check box has focus.
The user presses Enter when the active form has a default button (specified by the Default property).
The user presses Esc when the active form has a cancel button (specified by the Cancel property).
The user presses the accelerator key for a button or check box. For example, if the value of the Caption property of a check box is "&Bold", the B is underlined at runtime and the OnClick event of the check box is triggered when the user presses Alt+B.
The Checked property of a radio button is set to true.
The value of the Checked property of a check box is changed.
The Click method of a menu item is called.
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Текущий архив: 2008.01.20;
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