Текущий архив: 2008.07.06;
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Embarcadero and CodeGear CEOs Live Chat Найти похожие ветки
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oxffff © (2008-05-24 11:26) [0]см. http://dn.codegear.com/article/38200
davidi asked: "From Jose Araujo: Many Brazilian Delphi Developers are thinking that Delphi is OVER. What can you tell the Delphi community to make them feel that Delphi has a future?"
Wayne: I can tell you that Delphi is absolutely not over. I personally love the product and have used it for many years. It"s clearly the best RAD tool for building native Windows apps and it"s a fantastic business. It"s an anchor product with a very large and loyal customer base. We"re going to continue to innovate, move the products forward, and attract more and more users. Jim: I love this question. If you look at applications around the world, the need for native applications is not going away. There"s this great part of the market that will always need native applications.
dmb21 asked: "I"m wondering if the acquisition has had any effect on the release plans of the next Delphi/C++ builder... "
No impacts, no delays.
alchemist42 asked: "Will the deal cause any further delays in the release of Tiburon?"
jachguate asked: "Do you have plans to maintain (or revive) Turbo editions?"
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Kolan © (2008-05-25 11:09) [1]Все равно, я думаю, срок затянут.
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