Текущий архив: 2008.03.16;
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ketmar © (2008-02-08 17:12) [0]
* No idea what to do in this case: A child is needed, but
* no valid one is returned. We"ll ignore it here and live
* with it until someone reports a valid bug.
Understanding is not required. Only obedience.
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Правильный_Вася (2008-02-08 17:18) [1]вот из исходников какой-то IB-совместимой библиотеки
// Calenders are divided into 4 year cycles: 3 Non-Leap years, and 1 leap year.
// Each cycle takes 365*4 + 1 == 1461 days.
// There is a further cycle of 100 4 year cycles.
// Every 100 years, the normally expected leap year is not present. Every 400 years it is.
// This cycle takes 100 * 1461 - 3 == 146097 days
// The origin of the constant 2400001 is unknown.
// The origin of the constant 1721119 is unknown.
// The difference between 2400001 and 1721119 is the number of days
// from 0/0/0000 to our base date of 11/xx/1858. (678882)
// The origin of the constant 153 is unknown.
// This whole routine has problems with ndates
// less than -678882 (Approx 2/1/0000).
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clickmaker © (2008-02-08 18:01) [2]
> and live
> * with it until someone reports a valid bug
valid bug - это хорошо сказано.
Вот invalid bug - это уже серьезно...
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ketmar © (2008-02-08 18:50) [3]>[2] clickmaker © (2008-02-08 18:01:00)
ну так ясно: авторы ждут, пока им отрепортят и укажут путь решения. а если не репортят — значит, всех устраивает. %-)
Understanding is not required. Only obedience.
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Черный Шаман (2008-02-08 19:11) [4]
> ketmar © (08.02.08 17:12)
> /*
> * No idea what to do in this case: A child is needed, but
> * no valid one is returned. We"ll ignore it here and live
> * with it until someone reports a valid bug.
> */
//флаг состояния когда не удалось загрузить базу, например при втором запуске программы
//в одно и то же время
FCorrupted: Boolean;
Страницы: 1 вся ветка
Текущий архив: 2008.03.16;
Скачать: CL | DM;
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