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Форум: "Прочее";
Текущий архив: 2006.08.20;
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сообщения принтера   Найти похожие ветки 

ronyn   (2006-07-23 16:39) [0]

Задача следующая - необходимо, что бы моя программа ловила любое
сообщение отправленное на принтер (документ отправленный на печать)
и выдавала вместо печати определенное действие.
2. Нужно определить какй принтер по умолчанию.
3. Программно отправить документ на печать
4. Ещё бы это все в 98 и 95 шло -)
                 Заранее благодарен...

Мефисто   (2006-07-23 17:45) [1]

Вряд ли найдутся желающие реализовывать сие чудо за тебя.

Вот тебе для начала:

Printing and Print Spooler Functions
The following functions are used to print.

Function Description
AbortDoc Stops the current print job and erases everything drawn since the last call to the StartDoc function.
DeviceCapabilities Retrieves the capabilities of a printer device driver.
EndDoc Ends a print job.
EndPage Notifies the device that the application has finished writing to a page.
Escape Enables applications to access capabilities of a particular device that are not available through GDI.
ExtEscape Enables applications to access capabilities of a particular device that are not available through GDI.
SetAbortProc Sets the application-defined abort function that allows a print job to be canceled during spooling.
StartDoc Starts a print job.
StartPage Prepares the printer driver to accept data.

The following functions are used to access the print spooler.

Function Description
AbortPrinter Deletes a printer"s spool file if the printer is configured for spooling.
AbortProc An application-defined callback function used with the SetAbortProc function.
AddForm Adds a form to the list of available forms that can be selected for the specified printer.
AddJob Adds a print job to the list of print jobs that can be scheduled by the print spooler.
AddMonitor Installs a local port monitor and links the configuration, data, and monitor files.
AddPort Adds the name of a port to the list of supported ports.
AddPrinter Adds a printer to the list of supported printers for a specified server.
AddPrinterConnection Adds a connection to the specified printer for the current user.
AddPrinterDriver Installs a local or remote printer driver and links the configuration, data, and driver files.
AddPrinterDriverEx Installs a local or remote printer driver and links the configuration, data, and driver files.
AddPrintProcessor Installs a print processor on the specified server and adds the print-processor name to an internal list of supported print processors.
AddPrintProvidor Installs a local print provider and links the configuration, data, and provider files.
AdvancedDocumentProperties Displays a printer-configuration dialog box for the specified printer, allowing the user to configure that printer.
ClosePrinter Closes the specified printer object.
ConfigurePort Displays the port-configuration dialog box for a port on the specified server.
ConnectToPrinterDlg Displays a dialog box that lets users browse and connect to printers on a network.
DeleteForm Removes a form name from the list of supported forms.
DeleteMonitor Removes a port monitor added by the AddMonitor function.
DeletePort Displays a dialog box that allows the user to delete a port name.
DeletePrinter Deletes the specified printer object.
DeletePrinterConnection Deletes a connection to a printer.
DeletePrinterData Deletes specified configuration data for a printer.
DeletePrinterDataEx Deletes a specified value from the configuration data for a printer.
DeletePrinterDriver Removes the specified printer-driver name from the list of names of supported drivers for a server.
DeletePrinterDriverEx Removes the specified printer-driver name from the list of names of supported drivers for a server and deletes the files associated with the driver.
DeletePrinterKey Deletes a specified key and all its subkeys for a specified printer.

EnumPrinterData Enumerates configuration data for a specified printer.
EnumPrinterDataEx Enumerates all value names and data for a specified printer and key.
EnumPrinterDrivers Enumerates the printer drivers installed on a specified printer server.
EnumPrinterKey Enumerates the subkeys of a specified key for a specified printer.
EnumPrinters Enumerates available printers, print servers, domains, or print providers.
EnumPrintProcessorDatatypes Enumerates the data types that a specified print processor supports.
EnumPrintProcessors Enumerates the print processors installed on the specified server.
FindClosePrinterChangeNotification Closes a change notification object.
FindFirstPrinterChangeNotification Creates a change notification object.
FindNextPrinterChangeNotification Retrieves information about the most recent change notification for a change notification object.
FlushPrinter Sends a buffer to the printer in order to clear it from a transient state.
FreePrinterNotifyInfo Frees a system-allocated buffer created by the FindNextPrinterChangeNotification function.
GetDefaultPrinter Retrieves the printer name of the default printer for the current user on the local computer.
GetForm Retrieves information about a specified form.
GetJob Retrieves information about a specified print job.
GetPrinter Retrieves information about a specified printer.
GetPrinterData Retrieves configuration data for the specified printer or print server.
GetPrinterDataEx Retrieves configuration data for the specified printer or print server.
GetPrinterDriver Retrieves driver data for the specified printer.
GetPrinterDriverDirectory Retrieves the path of the printer-driver directory.
GetPrintProcessorDirectory Retrieves the path for the print processor on the specified server.
OpenPrinter Retrieves a handle to the specified printer or print server.
PrinterProperties Displays a printer-properties property sheet for the specified printer.
PrintWindow Copies a visual window to a device context.
ReadPrinter Retrieves data from the specified printer.
ResetPrinter Specifies the data type and device mode values to be used for printing documents submitted by the StartDocPrinter function.
ScheduleJob Requests that the print spooler schedule a specified print job for printing.
SetDefaultPrinter Sets the printer name of the default printer for the current user on the local computer.
SetForm Sets the form information for the specified printer.
SetJob Pauses, resumes, cancels, or restarts a print job on a specified printer.
SetPort Sets the status associated with a printer port.
SetPrinter Sets the data for a specified printer or sets the state of the specified printer by pausing printing, resuming printing, or clearing all print jobs.
SetPrinterData Sets the configuration data for a printer or print server.
SetPrinterDataEx Sets the configuration data for a printer or print server.
StartDocPrinter Notifies the print spooler that a document is to be spooled for printing.
StartPagePrinter Notifies the spooler that a page is about to be printed on the specified printer.
WritePrinter Notifies the print spooler that data should be written to the specified printer.

Мефисто   (2006-07-23 17:45) [2]

DeletePrintProcessor Removes a printer processor.
DeletePrintProvidor Removes a local print provider.
DocumentProperties Retrieves or modifies printer initialization information or displays a printer-configuration property sheet for the specified printer.
EndDocPrinter Ends a print job for the specified printer.
EndPagePrinter Notifies the print spooler that the application is at the end of a page in a print job.
EnumForms Enumerates the forms supported by the specified printer.
EnumJobs Retrieves information about a specified set of print jobs for a specified printer.
EnumMonitors Retrieves information about the port monitors installed on the specified server.
EnumPorts Enumerates the ports that are available for printing on a specified server.

Страницы: 1 вся ветка

Форум: "Прочее";
Текущий архив: 2006.08.20;
Скачать: [xml.tar.bz2];


Память: 0.46 MB
Время: 0.073 c
2006-07-23 17:13
PHP. Регулярные выражения.

2006-07-05 10:16
Цвет TMainMenu

2006-07-26 01:30

2006-07-22 10:49
Второй раз пытаюсь - опять никак :(

2006-05-01 14:36
Registry и DWORD

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