Текущий архив: 2003.04.14;
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Wonder (2003-03-28 17:04) [0]http://www.cgrom.com/news/law/gatesmurder/
LOS ANGELES, California (CNN) -- Microsoft Corp. Chairman William H. Gates III was killed today in Los Angeles during an appearance at a charity event held in MacArthur Park. Hit by two bullets believed to have been shot from the adjacent Park Plaza Hotel, Gates was rushed by ambulance to nearby St. Vincent Medical Center, where doctors declared him dead on arrival at 12:46 p.m. PST.
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JibSkeart (2003-03-28 17:11) [1]ну незнаю но про это точно ничего еще не слышал ...
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JibSkeart (2003-03-28 17:13) [2]Фанаты Unixa ? :^)
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Жук (2003-03-28 17:15) [3]Точно - утка, вернее - шутка + извинения автора.
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Yakudza (2003-03-28 17:18) [4]На CNN и BBC ничего нет об этом.
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Yakudza (2003-03-28 17:27) [5]А вот и оьяснение :))
Bill Gates is still alive... that was just a harmless prank, but to trick your friends into thinking they missed some breaking news then send them the link below...
I apoligize for any disturbances this may have caused, well actually isn"t mass chaos the effect I wanted?
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