Текущий архив: 2003.10.13;
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J. Bush (2003-09-25 18:51) [0]I have had time to see much - but till now was amazed opening to us in this once to the great country. To think only, its inhabitants have created all this horror own hands! Without intervention from the outside. Without someone"s help. Without any internal struggle and resistance. Completely voluntary and completely is realized. Do not come we here, here it would become even worse, even more terrible. We had to come. At all because not all world easy could and is indifferent to observe of destruction of this ground - the world
Для тех кто не понял повторяю.
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Mike Kouzmine (2003-09-25 18:52) [1]Я только два тире понял :(
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Е-Моё имя (2003-09-25 19:01) [2]черномырдин отдыхает
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