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pasha_golub ©   (2005-07-15 09:08) [0]

Компания БрейнБенч выпустила доклад:
Размер 981 кило

Global Skills in the 21st Century
Brainbench’s 2005 Global Skills Report provides a snapshot of the most popular skills in the United
States and around the globe. Drawing on the employment skills certifications of over 300,000 people
from 179 countries, we reveal the location of concentrations of skilled workers throughout the world.
This Brainbench Global Skills Report 2005 is the third and most comprehensive report since the first
version was released in 2001. As the geographical location of certification respondents continued to
increase and, at times, surprise us, the scope of the assessment library expanded beyond the initial IT
focus to encompass today’s areas of need: call center service expertise, health care, business management
and general communication.
With a number of surprising findings, this report doesn’t just rank skills. From India to Indiana, New
Delhi to New Mexico, we uncover trends and peer into the future of the global skills marketplace.
What’s Inside?
Brainbench ranks common information technology and business skills by country as well as by U.S.
state. In addition, we reveal the most commonly certified skills, trends and changes from our 2003
study, and insights into these results.

pasha_golub ©   (2005-07-15 09:13) [1]

The U.S., India, and Russian Federation have
consistently been the countries with the most
Brainbench certifications, indicating that they may
represent the largest pockets of competent and
available IT resources.


Приятно, черт подери!!!

pasha_golub ©   (2005-07-15 09:14) [2]

Вот и про Украину тоже... ;0)

Eastern Europe, specifically the Russian
Federation, has a significant and growing body
of competent IT talent.

pasha_golub ©   (2005-07-15 09:15) [3]

Как вы уже поняли, для тех кому не удасться просмотреть я буду делать вырезки, наиболее понравившихся моментов.

Certifications for Microsoft software represent a
majority of all certifications awarded; however,
certifications for open source operating systems
(i.e., Linux and UNIX) have begun to overtake
those for Windows.

Kerk ©   (2005-07-15 09:16) [4]

pasha_golub ©   (15.07.05 9:14) [2]
Вот и про Украину тоже... ;0)

Как в анекдоте.. :)
- Про меня в газете написали!
- Где? Тут "Иванов, Петров и др".
- Видишь "и др."? Это про меня!

pasha_golub ©   (2005-07-15 09:26) [5]

Керк, ну ты и язва! ;0)

На, гляди!

The Top 10 Across the World
The top 10 countries, based on total skill certifications,
are listed below, along with the 2003 rankings.

1. U.S.
2. India
3. Russian Federation
4. Canada
5. UK
6. Romania
7. Australia
8. Ukraine
9. Pakistan
10. Bulgaria

1. U.S.
2. India
3. Russian Federation
4. Romania
5. Ukraine
6. Canada
7. UK
8. Bulgaria
9. Philippines
10. Latvia

The 10 countries at the top of the heap in 2005
comprise 83% of worldwide Brainbench certifications.
Australia and Pakistan slipped out of the
top 10 from 2003, replaced by the Philippines and

Про подсчет. Считается количество сдавших (не обязательно купивших) тесты на оценку более 2.75 балла из 5 возможных.

Соответственно можно попробовать сделать корректировку под население и окажется, что Румыния и Украина впереди планеты всей.

pasha_golub ©   (2005-07-15 09:28) [6]

India overtakes the u.S. in Java competency
Whereas the U.S. led IT certifications in 24 of 30
categories (See Appendices), India led the other
six, including all three categories pertaining to Java
software development: Java 2 Fundamentals, Java 2,
and Java Server Pages (Figures 1a – 1c). India has
been a hotbed of Java development expertise since
the turn of the century. But they also led certifications
in ASP.NET, the C programming language, and
RDBMS concepts. For each of these skills, India accounted
for at least 37% of the world’s certifications.

Kerk ©   (2005-07-15 09:29) [7]

pasha_golub ©   (15.07.05 9:26) [5]
Соответственно можно попробовать сделать корректировку под население и окажется, что Румыния и Украина впереди планеты всей.

Скорее Люксембург.

pasha_golub ©   (2005-07-15 09:30) [8]

Kerk ©   (15.07.05 09:29) [7]
Ф Бабруйск! :-P

Ega23 ©   (2005-07-15 09:30) [9]

Паш, чё-то фигня какая-то получается...
А где Китай, Франция, Германия, Япония в конце-концов?
Однако в списке ещё Грузии не хватает. Для полной полит-корректности.

pasha_golub ©   (2005-07-15 09:33) [10]

Олег, я почем знаю где оно? Однако, предполагаю, что влияет тот факт, что тесты на БрейнБенче проходят исключительно на англицком.

Для полной полит-корректности.
А вот этого не надо. Россия в очень хорошем свете представлена в докладе. Было б это дело политиканов, хрен бы ты там чего такого прочитал.

Country Certifications Population (est. 2005) Certifications as %
of population
Russian Federation 16037 143,420,309 .011%
Romania 12720 22,329,977 .057%
Ukraine 10551 47,425,336 .022%
Bulgaria 5276 7,450,349 .071%
Latvia 4742 2,290,237 .207%
Belarus 3724 10,300,483 .036%

Kerk ©   (2005-07-15 09:33) [11]

Ega23 ©   (15.07.05 9:30) [9]

Может они просто забивают на сертификацию на brainbench.com?

Ega23 ©   (2005-07-15 09:36) [12]

А вот этого не надо. Россия в очень хорошем свете представлена в докладе. Было б это дело политиканов, хрен бы ты там чего такого прочитал.

Паш, не обращай внимания.
Я просто дико злой сегодня с утра.

pasha_golub ©   (2005-07-15 09:36) [13]

The Russian Federation is quite strong in several
growing areas, placing in the Top 5 in most IT
categories but particularly present in open source
programming languages such as Unix, Linux, and in
the important networking protocol of TCP/IP
Administration. Its well-educated population is
clearly in learning mode as well, with extensive certification
in the Computer Fundamentals categories
and Written English.

pasha_golub ©   (2005-07-15 09:39) [14]

Kerk ©   (15.07.05 09:33) [11]
Скорее всего. Но с другой стороны. Что Япония, Франция, Германия переживают бум ИТ?

Ega23 ©   (15.07.05 09:36) [12]
Да пофигу. :0) Я тоже злой. :)

Romania and Ukraine proved their mettle
in those same categories as well. Moreover, both
ranked high in the SQL certification (specifically,
SQL (ANSI) Fundamentals, SQL (ANSI), and MS
SQL Server 2000 Programming). In addition, PHP 4
and HTML were popular in both countries.
According to IT Business Edge3, “The Ukraine
benefited from an educational and research and development
program implemented under the USSR,
and which has continued on through to today. Despite
some funding cuts after the nation achieved
its independence, the programs are continuing to
create a nation with a heavy emphasis on math and
sciences. Companies such as EDS are finding such
workers particularly adept in the areas of programming
and software development.”

pasha_golub ©   (2005-07-15 09:40) [15]

Bulgaria, Latvia, and Belarus, while on a smaller
scale, definitely made their presence known. They
were strong in all IT categories, particularly PHP
(Latvia), C++ (Belarus), and Linux (Bulgaria). As
detailed above, Latvia ranked highest among all
countries in certifications per population. However,
each of these countries appears to be active
in most programming and network administration

Anatoly Podgoretsky ©   (2005-07-15 09:40) [16]

А если сделать корректировку под оплативших, то мы точно вычислим страны любитей халявы.

pasha_golub ©   (2005-07-15 09:42) [17]

Anatoly Podgoretsky ©   (15.07.05 09:40) [16]
Это уж точно! Вообще, помнится кто-то говорил, что при приеме на работу отправлял на БрейнБенч. :0) А потом уже допускал к собеседованию.

Вот и про Западную Европу.

Western europe is holding Steady

Though the findings in these pages suggest that the
typical computer programmer is more likely to live
in Bangalore or St. Petersburg and not Birmingham
or Stuttgart, the UK and the rest of Western
Europe is certainly active in developing IT and
related workplace skills.
Western Europe is often categorized as an outsourcer,
not as a recipient of new business or
growing in the tech sector. But the United Kingdom
and Germany both appeared in Brainbench’s top
20 for overall skill certifications. Specifically, the
UK ranked 7th in total certifications, with the most
popular being C# and C++. Germany ranked 15th,
with Linux Administration its most popular certifi-
cation. Germany has even been cited as an outsourcing
destination. In early 2003, Advanced Micro
Devices (AMD), a chipmaker based in Sunnyvale,
California, opened a factory in Dresden.
Even with their own share of skilled workers available,
the U.K. is the 2nd largest outsourcer after
the U.S. The U.K. is expected to remain the largest
European consumer of offshore services with India
the main destination, but France and Germany
are increasingly turning to locations like Spain, the
Czech Republic, Russia and Tunisia5.

pasha_golub ©   (2005-07-15 09:45) [18]

Популярность языков по которым сдавались тесты:

IT – programming and Development
1. C++
2. Java 2 Fundamentals
3. C++ Fundamentals
4. C
5. C#

Мдя. Делфи тут и не пахнет. Вовремя таки открыли форум по СШарпу. :0)

Kerk ©   (2005-07-15 09:47) [19]

pasha_golub ©   (15.07.05 9:39) [14]
Скорее всего. Но с другой стороны. Что Япония, Франция, Германия переживают бум ИТ?

Переживают или нет - другой вопрос на самом деле :)
Просто ИМХО не стоит делать каких-то серьезных выводов по результатам работы отдельной фирмешки.

Помнится, прошлым летом на работе от нефиг делать проходил Delphi 6.0 Fundamentals всем желающим. Прошел 5-6 раз на Master подряд. Ну и как тут верить статистике? Или еще вот еще вопрос. В США количество сертифицированных в 2 раза больше, чем в Индии, и в 6 раз больше, чем в России. Так откуда там тогда спрос на иностранных IT-специалистов?

pasha_golub ©   (2005-07-15 09:48) [20]

Про ОСы. В основном администрирование. Кстати, немножно непрофессионально написано в техническом плане... ;0)

At a global level, Linux Administration (General)
and Unix Administration (General) were more
popular skill certifications than MS Windows
Server 2003 Administration. This reflects a growing
trend toward open-source coding. Linux is a
free, open-source operating system, and UNIX is a
traditional networking system present in mainframe
computers dating to the late 1950’s. Once viewed
as a complex, user-unfriendly platform, Linux is now
as easy-to-use as the Microsoft product, and viewed
as superior by its ardent followers.
Interestingly, in 2001, 64% of all Brainbench certifi-
cations between these two OS’s were for Windows,
and 36% were Linux/Unix; in 2005, 50.4% were
Windows and 49.6% were Linux/UNIX. During that
time, U.S. Windows certifications shrunk from 67%
to 57%, while internationally Linux/Unix share grew
from 38% to 52% of all certifications.

The Russian Federation led India in both Linux
and UNIX, but the United States was still the clear
leader in these areas. Romania, Ukraine, and
– as well as the United Kingdom – were
also centers of Linux and UNIX certification.
Linux and UNIX have traditionally provided an
easier point-of-entry and level of support than
Microsoft for many professionals in other countries,
especially Eastern Europe and Asia. Specifically, the
use of Linux and UNIX are cited as more costeffective
than Microsoft products.

pasha_golub ©   (2005-07-15 09:52) [21]

Kerk ©   (15.07.05 09:47) [19]
Фирмешка... Это да. Это хорошо сказано. Проклятые буржуины!

Есть более интересные фирмешки? Я сходу ни одной не назову.

Я не делаю, далеко идущих, выводов. Однако, пища для размышлений есть.

Помнится, прошлым летом на работе от нефиг делать проходил Delphi 6.0 Fundamentals всем желающим.

Дык, молодес! Флаг тебе в руки и электричку навстречу. ;0) Я тоже проходил по несколько раз. И шо? Это говорит лишь об уровне подготовки и не более.

pasha_golub ©   (2005-07-15 09:53) [22]

Country ranking based on number of certifications received

1 United States 125722
2 india 60771
3 Russian Federation 16037
4 Romania 12720
5 Ukraine 10551
6 Canada 8872
7 United kingdom
(Great britain) 8093
8 bulgaria 5276
9 philippines 4795
10 latvia 4742
11 belarus 3724
12 indonesia 3562
13 pakistan 3235
14 australia 2635
15 Germany 2139
16 lithuania 1805
17 poland 1330
18 brazil 1168
19 South africa 1082
20 armenia 939
21 Mexico 937
22 Malaysia 909
23 italy 889
24 estonia 883
25 Singapore 881
26 New Zealand 844
27 Netherlands 746
28 France 722
29 United arab
emirates 664
30 Sweden 589
31 Slovakia 580
32 Czech Republic 564
33 Moldova 562
34 israel 553
35 Slovenia 533
36 belgium 528
37 Saudi arabia 520
38 Sri lanka 505
39 Yugoslavia 479
40 egypt 428
41 kazakhstan 422
42 ireland 393
43 Georgia 362
44 Denmark 360
45 Spain 348
46 Macedonia,
Republic of 323
47 Nigeria 319

Kerk ©   (2005-07-15 09:54) [23]

pasha_golub ©   (15.07.05 9:52) [21]
Я тоже проходил по несколько раз. И шо? Это говорит лишь об уровне подготовки и не более.

Я про то, что статистика врет! :)
Не знаю как ты, а я под разными акаунтами (желающими) проходил, и всех их за Россию засчитали. А я, уверен, не один такой. И не только в России такое бывает.

pasha_golub ©   (2005-07-15 09:57) [24]

Country Skill rankings

RDBMS Concepts
India 38%
United States 26%
Russian Federation 5%
Romania 4%
Ukraine 4%

Oracle PL/SQL
United States 34%
India 34%
Russian Federation 7%
United Kingdom
(Great Britain) 4%
Ukraine 3%

SQL (ANSI) Fundamentals
United States 34%
India 24%
Russian Federation 8%
Ukraine 6%
Romania 6%

United States 27%
India 15%
Russian Federation 11%
Ukraine 8%
United Kingdom
(Great Britain) 6%

MS SQL Server 2000
United States 41%
India 20%
Russian Federation 8%
Romania 6%
Ukraine 80 5%

United States 26%
India 20%
Russian Federation 13%
United Kingdom
(Great Britain) 8%
Ukraine 7%

Java 2 Fundamentals
India 45%
United States 22%
Russian Federation 6%
Romania 5%
Ukraine 3%

India 39%
United States 15%
Russian Federation 11%
Romania 7%
Ukraine 6%

United States 36%
India 17%
Russian Federation 10%
United Kingdom
(Great Britain) 8%
Ukraine 6%

Java 2
India 33%
United States 27%
Russian Federation 6%
United Kingdom
(Great Britain) 4%
Romania 4%

Networking Concepts
United States 36%
India 14%
Russian Federation 7%
Romania 5%
Ukraine 5%

Linux Administration (General)
United States 23%
Russian Federation 11%
India 10%
Romania 7%
Ukraine 6%

Unix Administration (General)
United States 37%
Russian Federation 13%
Ukraine 10%
India 9%
Romania 3%

MS Windows Server 2003

United States 38%
India 11%
Russian Federation 8%
Ukraine 5%
Canada 4%

TCP/IP Administration
United States 24%
Russian Federation 14%
Ukraine 11%
Romania 7%
India 6%

pasha_golub ©   (2005-07-15 10:00) [25]

Kerk ©   (15.07.05 09:54) [23]
Рома, что твоих десяток прохождений при цифре в 100 тысяч? Более того, ты ж патриот своей страны. Так сиди и радуйся, что ты столько очков в копилку принес.

Ясен пень, что статистика врет. Это информация к размышлению и не более. Однако, некоторые дяди из крупных компаний таки прислушаются и будут вливать средства... ИМХО


За сим разрешите распрощаться на время. Пойду поднимать реноме страны. В забой тобишь. :0)

pasha_golub ©   (2005-07-15 10:08) [26]

Про фирмешку:

Brainbench, Inc.
With more than 5.5 million registered users and more than 600 different assessments, Brainbench is
the global leader in measuring the individual skills, abilities and personality traits that drive a company’s
bottom-line success. Brainbench helps clients test, track, and improve their employees’ vital job
characteristics, using the industry’s largest ISO 9001:2000 library of tests. Their online assessment
solutions improve hiring, retention, training success, customer satisfaction, and profitability for organizations
such as Advance Auto Parts, Department of Homeland Security, H&R Block, IBM, Manpower,
NASA, TAC Worldwide, TEKsystems, Wells Fargo
and over 4000 other organizations. Strategic Investors
include Manpower and Thomson Corporation.

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