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Внизdatabase, how to implement ? any suggestions ? Найти похожие ветки
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Boguslaw (2003-02-18 21:00) [0]Hello,
If You want KOL to support database how could You imagine it should looks like ?
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SerB (2003-02-19 06:39) [1]2 Boguslaw. Hi, i"m need simple MCK for DB, like DB-aware components from IDE. Now my applets with BDE not properly.(I"m use KOL&MCK, KOLOLeDB by Kladov and KOLTable by Alexander Shakhaylo with Delphi5 ). Sorry my bad english, best regards
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alex_s (2003-02-21 12:35) [2]
> Hello,
> If You want KOL to support database how could You imagine
> it should looks like ?
> Boguslaw
I think VCL idea is not too bad (datasource, table, tquery etc).
It would be handy if you reserved some messages to implement
data-aware style.
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