Текущий архив: 2010.08.27;
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KOLOLEDB memory leak ? Найти похожие ветки
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Boguslaw (2008-08-15 18:53) [0]Hello all !
I"m not very active here but in fact I"m using KOL daily in my work.
I"m using now extensively OLEDB package from KOL to move big data to SQL Server and probably found a memory leak. I don"t know if my KOLOLEDB package is up to time so Vladimir please compare and adjust.
The leak is in Execute method : pWideChar is not freed by using SysFreeString. For small commands this is nothing but I had to move hundreds of megabytes which ended with OutOf Memory problem.
Below is fixed version.
BTW I converted MemCheck to KOL but cannot force it to work. It compiles fine.Anybody willing to help ? I think it would be very nice addition to KOL to remove all memleaks in KOL programs easily.
procedure TQuery.Execute;
fWText : PWideChar;
fWText := StringToOleStr( fText );
// first set txt to fCommand just before execute
if CheckOLE( fCommand.SetCommandText( @DBGUID_DBSQL, fWText ) ) then
CheckOLE( fCommand.Execute( nil, IID_NULL, nil, @fRowsAffected, nil ) );
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Boguslaw (2008-08-25 19:02) [1]Fixed ????
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exero (2008-08-25 20:12) [2]FastMM4 work fine
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