Текущий архив: 2007.09.23;
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Внизкак в list view программно чекбоксы включать и выключать? Найти похожие ветки
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Виталий* (2007-02-11 18:49) [0]Всем привет!
Поставил Listview с lvkCheckBoxes.
А как в list view программно чекбоксы включать и выключать то?
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Psychedelic © (2007-02-11 19:09) [1]property LVItemStateImgIdx[ Idx: Integer ]: Integer read LVGetSttImgIdx write LVSetSttImgIdx;
Access to state image of the item. Use index -1 to assign the same state
image index to all items of the list view at once (fast).
Option lvoCheckBoxes just means, that control itself creates special inner
image list for two state images. Later it is possible to examine checked
state for items or set checked state programmatically by changing
LVItemStateImgIdx[ ] property. Value 1 corresponds to unchecked state,
2 to checked. Value 0 allows to remove checkbox at all. So, to check all
added items by default (e.g.), do following:
ListView1.LVItemStateImgIdx[ -1 ] := 2;
Use 1-based index of the image
in image list ImageListState. Value 0 reserved to use as "no state image".
Values 1..15 can be used only - this is the Windows restriction on
state images.
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Виталий* (2007-02-12 01:18) [2]Спасибо! Оказывается все в kol.pas :)
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