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MHFontDialog return bad font height Найти похожие ветки
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Dodfr (2006-04-06 14:11) [0]Hello,
When I try to retrieve the selected font size value after MHFontDialog.execute, I get wrong value, always a bit bigger that selected one : if I select 8 size then I get 11, if I select 14, then I get 19.
Any idea ?
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Grom PE © (2006-04-06 14:27) [1]It is font height, not font size.
I don"t know is there any conversion function for this.
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ECM © (2006-04-06 15:54) [2]http://delphimaster.net/view/11-1124270752/
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Dodfr (2006-04-06 16:31) [3]Nice, thank you (I did a search in forum for "MHFontDialog" before asking but did not thought searching on "font.height") , just have to change the
MyHeight := -10 * PixelsPerInch / 72;
MySize := -10 / (PixelsPerInch / 72);
To get Height to Size conversion, strange that MHFontDialog do not include such usual property that is part of the font dialog elements like the Name or Style.
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ECM © (2006-04-06 16:41) [4]
> I did a search in forum for "MHFontDialog" before asking
> but did not thought searching on "font.height
Not all so is simple
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Dodfr (2006-04-06 17:51) [5]Sorry ECM, your link is russian, I don"t read it but I see a link in the thread that also point to http://delphimaster.net/view/11-1124270752/
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ECM © (2006-04-06 18:10) [6]Life cycle of threads in a forum:
Cashe(accessible)->Trash(not accessible)->Archives(now accessible)
Link http://delphimaster.net/view/11-1124270752/ was trashed and search in what would not result.... :)
Tnx McSimm - untrash it
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thaddy (2006-04-06 20:26) [7]Use getsystemmetrics and add 2. Then you are almost always very close.
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thaddy (2006-04-06 20:28) [8]plz ignore last post.
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