Текущий архив: 2006.11.19;
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ВнизppDelphi Найти похожие ветки
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sff © (2006-02-06 07:03) [0]При компиляции KOL проектов на FPC используются файлы из ppDelphi. Какова их лицензия?
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homm © (2006-02-06 12:21) [1]Рядом форум по FreePascal, может там зают?
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Thaddy (2006-02-06 12:48) [2]The files come under different licenses:
The KOL related files come under the KOL license (Basically like MPL, so free to use)
The Borland WINAPI units are copyrighted by Borland and or Microsoft and can be used free if you own a Delphi compiler! (a free personal compiler is enough as of version 7 for personal use and even commercial use, provided you are not operating as a company, see the license with D7 personal).
Alternatively, if you do not own a Delphi compiler, you can use the JCL WinApi units that are under MPL and included with Freepascal:
Mozilla Public License Version 1.1
All examples and modifications by me are freeware, like the KOL license.
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