Текущий архив: 2006.07.16;
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ВнизBug in TStrList.IndexOfName Найти похожие ветки
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Dodfr (2005-10-27 11:17) [0]Hi,
I already sent 3 mails to Vlad about this bug but each update seems not fix it :
You must replace :
if StrLComp( PChar( LowerCase( ItemPtrs[ i ] ) ), PChar( AName ), L ) = 0 then
With :
if StrLComp( PChar( LowerCase( ItemPtrs[ i ] + fNameDelim) ), PChar( AName ), L ) = 0 then
Or the IndexOfname will always fail.
Also the remark :
// For optimization, check only list entry that begin with same letter as searched name
Can be removed as the small optimize part seems to have dissapear from source.
In fact, it seems the IndexOfName original code has been retouched by someone else comparing by original I sent to Vlad 8 July 2002 that did not had the bug.
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SPeller © (2005-10-27 12:53) [1]Hm, I had not problems with this function. But I use it many months ago. Maybe some changes was applied?
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Dodfr (2005-10-27 16:55) [2]I noticed the problem when recompiling an old program that used this function and did not work anymore without the fix.
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SPeller © (2005-10-28 04:53) [3]O, I am sorry - I mean other function, but I never had problems with this function.
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