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Форум: "KOL";
Текущий архив: 2006.03.12;
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stals ©   (2005-07-14 04:46) [0]

Куда катиться мир? :)
Вчера перестановил Delphi 6 и поставил заново KOL...
Теперь Exe-шники занимают килобайт на 10-15 больше чем раньше... :(
В чем может быть проблема? (KOL, есесно, тот же самый - апгрейженный с 2.00 до 2.08)???
ЗЫ. Сколько вообще занимает пустая форма с данной версией KOL?

Dodfr   (2005-07-14 13:29) [1]

i"d like to answer you but...I can"t read russian.

if anybody knows a good online russian-to-english translator...

Dodfr   (2005-07-14 13:35) [2]

I understand the general question, I also noticed that minimum KOL exe size for basic 1 form project is growing slowly but surely.

Just for fun, here is what babylon translated :

Where to roll peace? :)
Yesterday perestanovil Delphi 6 was placed anew KOL...
Now Exe-wniki occupy kilo-byte to 10-15 more than earlier...: (
In what there can be the problem? (KOL, yesesno, the same - apgreyzhennyy from 2.00 to 2.08)???
ZY. How much generally does occupy empty form with this version KOL?

fellix   (2005-07-14 14:48) [3]

You can try http://www.online-translator.com/text.asp , but I"m not sure it be more helpful. The problem is that there are a lot of slang and idioms in the forums. Also very often the messages are written illiterally. :-(

Empty form project usually sizes around 15KB. Don"t you forget to substitute system.dcu ?

Vladimir Kladov   (2005-07-14 18:12) [4]

I reworked some things just now, and in the newt version (2.11) initial size will be again 13.5K. But +15K very possible is a reult of including Variants.pas by he Delphi automatically. Use my version of Variants, or write your own so-called unit /empty/ and put it into the project"s folder.

Dodfr   (2005-07-14 22:19) [5]

fellix, yes I tried with babelfish, but at least I can understand general text.

vlad, don"t forget to include the small StrList.IndexOfName fix I just sent to you.

Vladimir Kladov   (2005-07-16 08:37) [6]

I did not receive any. Please resend or if it is smallenouth put just here.

Dodfr   (2005-07-17 01:52) [7]

Strange, but now I understand why I never received any answer from e-mail bonanzas__at__online.sinor.ru do you have some e-mail filter activated ?

Neverless, here is the line in StrList.IndexOfName you have to change :

if StrLComp( PChar( LowerCase( ItemPtrs[ i ] ) ), PChar(AName ), L ) = 0 then

change into

if StrLComp( PChar( LowerCase( ItemPtrs[ i ] + fNameDelim) ), PChar( AName ), L ) = 0 then

or the function will StrLComp "xxx" with "xxx=" which of course never success, I sent you this bugfix long time ago and resent it 14th july as it was still not implemented in 2.10, but of course, if you never receive my e-mails...

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Форум: "KOL";
Текущий архив: 2006.03.12;
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