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abort в KOL Найти похожие ветки
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Ilnur (2005-06-06 16:24) [0]Скажите, пожалуйста, как реализована в KOL функция "Abort" для прекращения действия функции, но не для выхода из нее
В моём случае:
SaveResp := Messagebox(applet.Handle,pchar(Format(sSaveChanges, [FFileName])),"do you want to save changes?",3);
case SaveResp of
idYes: KOLForm1Savemenu(self.MainMenu1,1);
idNo: {Nothing};
idCancel: {I don"t know???} ;
Что нужно вставить в idCancel? (но не exit, т.к. exit выходит из процедуры, а мне нужно вставить это в KOLForm1Close).
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Thaddy (2005-06-06 17:58) [1]That is not a KOL question, but an algorithmic question:
ask your self:
- How many options do I have to provide for (hint: 1 2 3) ?
- What exactly are the numbers I get back?
- What structures does Delphi provide to handle these? (hint: case)
- What is the right place in my program to put such a question? (hint: if you get stuck, it is too late!)
I can give you an example of what you want, but you should first try to solve this well known problem yourself!
(Follow the hints: it is not difficult)
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