Форум: "KOL";
Текущий архив: 2006.01.22;
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ВнизКак подключить OBJ-файлы Найти похожие ветки
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dvk (2005-05-30 08:03) [0]Подскажите, как подключить OBJ-файлы, скомпилированные на Delphi-7, к Delphi-3. Delphi-3 выдаёт ошибки "16-Bit fixup encountered" и ещё две, связанные с именами вызываемых функций. Может, есть какие-то особенности в оформлении процедур/функций, которые будут вызваны из OBJ-файла?
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thaddy (2005-05-30 13:39) [1]This is caused by system fucntions that need 'compiler magic' and there is nothing easy you can do about it. Create the D7 stuff in a dll and use that from Delphi 3. This is the easiest solution.
If it is important that there is just one file to distribute, you can use this http://www.thaddy.com/dllmemoryloader.zip to pack your dll into executable and run it from memory.
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thaddy (2005-05-30 13:39) [2]This is caused by system fucntions that need 'compiler magic' and there is nothing easy you can do about it. Create the D7 stuff in a dll and use that from Delphi 3. This is the easiest solution.
If it is important that there is just one file to distribute, you can use this http://www.thaddy.com/dllmemoryloader.zip to pack your dll into executable and run it from memory.
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Форум: "KOL";
Текущий архив: 2006.01.22;
Скачать: [xml.tar.bz2];
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