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Instructions on how to use Freepascal 2.0.0   Найти похожие ветки 

Thaddy   (2005-05-23 13:52) [0]

At http://members.chello.nl/t.koning8/fpc_in_kol_proper.htm
you can find detailed and thoroughly tested instructions to use Freepascal 2.0.0 with kol.pas 2.0.8
Please disregard any previous postings.

Boguslaw Brandys   (2005-05-23 18:37) [1]

Is it possible to modify Lazarus by such way that it will generate KOL source code but yet still lazarus form resource?

At the and of course there should be no attempt to link this form resource into EXE.What do you think ?
With PAS_VERSION and KOL_CLASESS there should be no much to change and later that way GTK Lazarus code could be ported to KOL.
Just a crazy idea ;-)

Thaddy   (2005-05-23 23:50) [2]

Yes, write MCK for Lazarus ;) I am already experimenting, but it will of course be win32 only. This should really be done by MCK users and not by me. I love the MCK to death, but I do not use it, as you know...
.. p.s. Lets have a chat again soon.

Boguslaw Brandys   (2005-05-24 00:13) [3]

I don"t like MCK but it"s very useful. I"d like to have source code without all those IFDEF"s though.Lazarus is open source and maybe generating code is somehow described and separated ,anyway hard work and require deep Lazarus knowledge.It was just an idea ;-)
But I"d like an idea to have Lazarus great IDe working for KOL and KOL working with Lazarus GTK interface.

Thaddy   (2005-05-24 01:43) [4]

KOL can be used with lazarus right now, only not in a visual way.
It is a great editor, I think. I use it all the time for linux stuff. But yes, it is a pity that the linux stuff is so difficult to do for one person. At least he proved it can be done!

apus   (2005-06-05 07:25) [5]

Как можно конвертировать KOL-2.08 под FPC&Linux?
Кстати, нашел хорошую книгу: "Программирование в X Window средствами Free Pascal", http://www.rus-linux.net/MyLDP/BOOKS/ProgrX/xwin-contents.shtml

Thaddy   (2005-06-05 11:23) [6]

It is currently not possible. kol is win32 only for now.

Lars   (2005-06-07 13:51) [7]

Eek, i just spent an hour getting the sources ready for FPC 2.0.0 and got my hello world application running. I should have checked here first, you already converted the stuff for FPC 2.0.0 usage.. and here I was converting it myself!

The first thing I noticed was none of the assembly code worked, so we use pas version  as you also found ;-)

Thaddy   (2005-06-07 14:32) [8]

Hi Lars ;)
What is your experience with FPC2.0.0 and KOL? I was very amazed and pleasantly surprised with how good Freepascal has become: It can even generate faster code than Dephi (sometimes, for dsp)

Lars   (2005-06-07 16:10) [9]

My MCK applications compile ..

This means one can create applications in the Delphi IDE and then go and compile them inside lazarus or with FPC.

This is nasty, dirty.
Very very harsh guys... This means you may throw your delphi compiler in the garbage some day!

But now I have to try compile kol synedit and kol synapse. Hopefully they will compile (and kol indy, and kol ics, and all that nifty stuff).

Lars   (2005-06-07 16:24) [10]

My wordpad clone compiles with not one error and not one change to source code. All built with Delphi months ago, that I haven"t touched for ages.

Dirty dirty dirty...

Thaddy   (2005-06-08 01:13) [11]

But you may still keep your job after all. FPC is still just a niche, and will however good it is in my opinion stay a niche.
The quality of FPC 2.00 should frighten the hell out of Borland.
I just bought one of those small and cheap Apple lunchboxes (only to hear later they are going to switch to Intel) just to use FPC on.

Thaddy   (2005-06-08 01:15) [12]

sould read: Borland, though, dot

Lars   (2005-06-10 11:46) [13]

I think low priority may be getting assembly more compatible and high priority making the LCL into some DLL/SO files (or better linking, some how).

Hmm, could almost turn KOL into a DLL.. then shipping KOL applications would be even smaller..But everyone would have to have kol.dll on their PC.

I"m going to start try using KOL in linux CGI applications (all kol"s NON-GUI functions).
Started to make a rough list here

I"m always stuck in that syndrome.. use Freepascal or use Delphi? use VCL or use KOL? Of course, you can use both KOL and VCL at the same time, if you aren"t using mck! Assuming you create a new KOL form on the fly, in a VCL app.

Where KOL would really excel would be in cgi apps and embedded applications.. or in the future, if we have breadmaker ovens with software on it, DVD players with software on it. Because these living room devices will not be able to run five 600KB VCL applications, let alone DotNet.

I think borland made a mistake giving away turbopascal, assuming it is obsolete. What happens if we need embedded software in the future? No one can use delphi for that... Only freepascal.

Thaddy   (2005-06-10 13:02) [14]

The moderator should start a separate section for this, but I Agree:
Broadly speaking we are not encouraged to get the maximum out of any given language or even processor by a long way:
Moore"s law should be extended: "we can give you an example of a new processor every 18 months, but first show us that you really need it!"
Right now, I am occupied translating win32 code to .net and it is really scary, even frightening, to see that this old code only worked simply because the processors were already good enough. Applying better algorithms and proper thought is necessary again, just because of .net ;) I fear that is the major contribution of .net, but it makes our profession more honourable again ;)

KOL should never have been necessary, but it is...
... and it will be in the future.

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