Текущий архив: 2005.12.25;
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PIcon Draw problem in tray icon KOL program Найти похожие ветки
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Boguslaw Brandys (2005-03-31 22:51) [0]I have strange problem with draw in TKOLPaintbox OnPaint in application with hidden form and systray icon.For TKOlPaintbox I use exactly solution from DemoBitmap2PaintBox. The problem is that this program goes crazy and use 99% CPU when quake 3 is run (and probably other game that change resolution) After I quit quake 3 program is not responding at all and still eat 99% CPU :-( When I use standard KOL form with bsDialog style and do not draw on TKOLPaintBox all is working fine. Maybe that KOL pogram do not react properly for resolution change ?
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thaddy (2005-04-01 01:06) [1]Can you email or post sources?
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Boguslaw Brandys (2005-04-01 18:05) [2]OK.I found solution.To avoid such problems program must have at least two forms : one simple not modified KOL form with all tray icon messages processing and the second hidden or recreated each time , which contain all display features (however when this form is created on start and then hidden there are possibilities that such problem still occurs for example if form AlphaBlend is changed.
Source code can be downloaded using CVS from ClamMail SourceForge page ("tray" subfolder) http://sourceforge.net/projects/clammail
Anyway: seems working.Thank You for help.
Best Regards
Boguslaw Brandys
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Lars (2005-05-01 20:46) [3]ClamMail was released on April 1, you fool!
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Boguslaw Brandys (2005-05-02 17:53) [4]Don"t be rude!
Today: ClamMail 1.2.9 is now available for download.Fixes some bugs,but first of all - updated to ClamAV CVS 01.05.2005 with full RAR support.
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Boguslaw Brandys (2005-05-02 17:54) [5]Thaddy,
I would be happy I you can help me with creating GUI for "Clam Antivirus for Windows" which is created in KOL ;-)
Let me know if you are interested.
Boguslaw Brandys
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Thaddy (2005-05-03 00:48) [6]Yes I would ;) It looks promising and can be a KOL killerapp on sourceforge.
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Boguslaw Brandys (2005-05-03 23:30) [7]Thaddy,
I sent you private email about details.Thank You.
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