Форум: "KOL";
Текущий архив: 2005.10.16;
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ВнизПочему KOL ругается на Classes.pas? Найти похожие ветки
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NorthMan (2005-02-15 12:08) [0]в разные моменты на разные строки в Classes.pas ругается. Может что-нить криво встало?
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NorthMan (2005-02-15 12:10) [1]например на процедуру
procedure ClassNotFound(const ClassName: string);
raise EClassNotFound.CreateFmt(SClassNotFound, [ClassName]);
[Error] Classes.pas(1277): Undeclared identifier: "SClassNotFound"
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thaddy (2005-02-15 13:11) [2]KOL does not use many classes and none are from classes.pas. KOL does preferably not use the VCL exception handling either. Almost all necessary support routines are in kol.pas itself and in the system replacement units. If you want to use structured exception handling, download err.pas from the kol website.
In this case it could also be the problem that you use a different version of delphi than the one a certain library is written in, *and* that library is not fully written in kol *and* does use classes.pas. In that case it may be sufficient to replace a reference to const.pas with rtlconsts.pas. But then again: if it references classes.pas it is *not* fully KOL compatible. (like one of the two kol indy translations, which compile with KOL, but are not fully translated yet, leading to massive code although smaller than with full VCL).
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Форум: "KOL";
Текущий архив: 2005.10.16;
Скачать: [xml.tar.bz2];
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