Текущий архив: 2005.09.25;
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Внизann:JCL Winapi32 for kol Найти похожие ветки
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thaddy (2005-01-26 14:28) [0]The latest full win32api by Marcel van Brakel is now available for KOL
I added two switches:
$DEFINE KOL removes dependencies on sysutils
$DEFINE USE_ERR enables er.pas support if KOL is defined, otherwise pointer results are quietely converted to nil.
Its a 1.8 meg download from my site, this is only sourcecode.
The chenges were minor, only three units and windefines, also marked as such and documented.
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thaddy (2005-01-26 23:40) [1]And he authorised it :)
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Boguslaw (2005-01-28 01:49) [2]Where is Your site ? Sorry, my memory failed ;-)
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thaddy (2005-01-28 02:27) [3]http://members.chello.nl/t.koning8/kolindex.htm
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dimaxx © (2005-01-31 21:42) [4]2 thaddy: Cool!! Bluetooth, IRDA & etc... Super!
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thaddy (2005-01-31 22:52) [5]And the best part is delay loading, I thing. Add DYNAMIC as conditional define. ALthough Vladimir did a lot to prevent loading dll"s that are not necessary, this still helps a lot. I am currently working on the version in sourceforge and Marcel invited me to join the project to integrate kol in the official sourceforge jcl release if possible :)
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thaddy (2005-01-31 22:54) [6]b.t.w. it works best if you do not use windows.pas and messages.pas altogether. Just make it an alias for jwaWinbase etc.
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thaddy (2005-01-31 22:59) [7]For vladimir:
I hope you agree converting the pointers qiuitetely to nil was a good choice if err.pas is not used. If not so, please give me your opinion...
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Текущий архив: 2005.09.25;
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