Текущий архив: 2005.09.18;
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Использование KOLPrinters Найти похожие ветки
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<Falcon> (2005-01-26 12:12) [0]Как можно с помощью KOLPrinters (не используя диалог PageSetup) менять ориентацию страницы? Строка:
Printer.Orientation := poLandscape;
эфекта не возымела. Не охота писать через API...
D7, WinXP, Kol2.05
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<Falcon> (2005-01-27 11:52) [1]При просмотре этого свойства во время отладки (Printer.Orientation) Делфя выдает:
function to by called TPrinter.GetOrientation was eliminated by linker
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Boguslaw (2005-01-28 01:47) [2]From KOLPrinters help:
type TPageSetupOptions = Set of TPageSetupOption;
psdMargins : allow user to select margins
psdOrientation : allow user to select page orientation
psdSamplePage : draw contents of the sample page
psdPaperControl : allow paper size control
psdPrinterControl : allow user to select printer
psdHundredthsOfMillimeters : set scale to hundredths of millimeters for margins and paper size,on return indicate selected scale
psdThousandthsOfInches : set scale to thousandths of inches for margins and paper size,on return indicate selected scale
psdUseMargins,psdUseMinMargins : use suggested margins
psdWarning : generate warning when there is no default printer
psdHelp : add help button to dialog, application must process HELPMSGSTRING message
psdReturnDC : returns DC of selected printer if required
function NewPageSetupDialog( AOwner: PControl; Options: TPageSetupOptions ): PPageSetupDlg;
Global function for page setup dialog
Did You add psdPaperControl into TPageSetupOptions ?
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<Falcon> (2005-01-28 16:50) [3]
> Как можно с помощью KOLPrinters (не используя диалог PageSetup).....
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thaddy (2005-01-28 19:11) [4]You can fill the *structure* programmatically, is what Boguslav means. i.e. without calling the dialog itself
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Boguslaw (2005-01-29 19:18) [5]Sorry,
I misunderstand what did You mean.
I don"t know what You are trying to do (one line is not enought ;-) , but
Printer.Orientation := poLandscape;
use eigther Printer.GetHandle or use Printer.Canvas . This cause printer DC rebuild (device context) with modified orientation.
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Boguslaw (2005-01-29 19:21) [6]Use Canvas or Handle property of TPrinter, even when not using it - just
somehandle := Printer.Handle;
Test if TPrinter.RE_Print(RichEdit : PControl) is working ,please ?
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<Falcon> (2005-01-31 14:10) [7]Спасибо, теперь понял в чем была ошибка.
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