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Using Synapse with KOL Найти похожие ветки
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Jon © (2004-12-09 15:06) [0]Hello - please excuse my Engish, I do not speak Russian :-(
I am using KOL with the SynaSer component of Synapse (www.ararat.cz/synapse) with Delphi 7 and Windows XP. I am not using MCK.
I find that if I create a TBlockSerial object within a function or procedure, it only exists in that procedure. If I try to access the object later, it fails. To fix this I have to create TBlockSerial within the main block of code. This is an example:
SerialPort: TBlockSerial;
// can be a function or a procedure
function SerialStuff(Port: String); Boolean;
Result := True
SerialPort := TBlockSerial.Create; // This line does not work!
If SerialPort.LastError <> 0 then Result := False;
// create only works correctly in this main block
SerialPort := TBlockSerial.Create; // Create only works here!
if SerialStuff("Com1") then
// ..rest of program..
This is not convenient for me as I will have an unknown amount of objects to create from an array or list. Is the problem the parent of the object? Can I work around this?
I have contacted the developer of Synapse and he recommends asking you.
Any help would be appreciated.
Many thanks in advance.
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stranger_2004 © (2004-12-09 18:34) [1]var
SerialPort: TBlockSerial;
SerialPort := TBlockSerial.Create; // Create only works here!
if SerialStuff("Com1") then
// ..rest of program..
Do not create Serialport in serialstuff proc,
port already created on bolded line, if SerialPort - it`s global variable on your unit.
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Jon © (2004-12-12 14:04) [2]Sorry, maybe I was not clear. I only use one of the create lines. I included both in my example to show where it did and did not work.
I do not want to create in the main body, I want to create it in my procedure. There will be more code there to check if it really is needed and how many.
I find that if I create it in the procedure, it is not valid.
Sorry for the confusion :-)
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alekc (2004-12-13 12:14) [3]
> Result := True
> SerialPort := TBlockSerial.Create; // This line does not work!> SerialPort.Connect(Port);
What it (compiler) says ?
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Jon © (2004-12-13 17:07) [4]The create line itself does not cause an error message.
When I try to use the port (connect to it) the program crashes, because the object was not created.
If you require the exact message I shall have to look at my computer later when I am near it. Probably tomorrow :-(
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thaddy (2004-12-14 03:11) [5]Shure you should not use NewBlockSerial??
I will have a look at the synapse for kol code and see what I can do.
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thaddy (2004-12-14 03:12) [6]http://members.chello.nl/t.koning8/kolindex.htm
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