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Текущий архив: 2005.10.16;
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ВнизKolSplitter Найти похожие ветки
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murtix (2004-07-06 01:42) [0]Здрасти люди
поставил на форму два сплиттера
чего-то они неправильно работают
особенно не зацикливался на этом, но хотелось бы...
| | |
| | |
| Panel1 | Panel2 |
| | |
| |
| ListBox1 |
Это схема расположения сплиттеров
спасибо с ув. /murtix/
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Gandalf © (2004-07-09 14:16) [1]Спитер умеет делить только два контрола. Потому придеться те их парами разводить по нанелям - иначе никак.
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Lars (2005-01-26 02:21) [2]Hello,
How do I place a splitter between two controls?
I figure out how to do this with mck controls in the IDE.
| | |
| | |
| Panel1 | Panel2 |
| caLeft | caClient |
| ________|____________|
The splitter always goes to the very left of the form, instead
of above.. betwen two panels. Even if I drag it with the mouse,
like in VCL.
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Lars (2005-01-26 02:23) [3]Ackkk so much for my drawing, I need a <pre> tag here.. haha.
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Lars (2005-01-26 03:10) [4]Ok so here is what I mean, I am trying to get the
splitter between Panel 2 and Panel 4 .
It always goes to the left of form, never between.
(sources, no exe.. URL encoding project)
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thaddy (2005-01-26 04:05) [5]Result.Splitter1 := NewSplitterEx( Result.form, 10, 10, esNone );
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thaddy (2005-01-26 04:19) [6]Template, Creation order is important:
procedure NewForm1( var Result: PForm1; AParent: PControl );
with Result^ do
Form:= NewForm(AParent,"KOLForm").SetSize(600,80).centeronparent.Tabulate;
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Lars (2005-01-26 04:59) [7]thanks much, so I just always hack this in manually in the INC file, no lazy visual way yet? ;-)
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thaddy (2005-01-26 11:36) [8]You can do it with the mck too, provided that you do it in this order...once..to avoid trouble.
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gent (2005-01-26 14:37) [9]If you use MCK, you can manually update *.dfm file, TabOrder field for every control you are interested. This will change the creation order.
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Lars (2005-02-13 05:41) [10]Thanks for taborder trick. I changed the Tab order property of the Splitter and by trial and error I got it to work in the correct position and alignment. I didn"t have resort to adjusting the DFM file manually - I just fooled with taborder Property in the IDE of the splitter itself.
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Форум: "KOL";
Текущий архив: 2005.10.16;
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