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Stack overflow in KOL Найти похожие ветки
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Boguslaw (2004-01-27 17:01) [0]Hello,
I have many problems with my program in KOL - eigther crashes and consume all available memory from system or stack overflow before crash. Could it be something related to FormCreate where I have many functions invoked and also PostMessage(Form.Handle,WM_SYSCOMMAND,SC_RESTORE,0);
or maybe another form which is created hidden and contains many controls on many toolbars .
Besides crash only occur in windows 98 - on my Windows XP is all right.
I"m confused - anybody have such experience ?
Best Regards
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Boguslaw (2004-01-28 20:08) [1]Well,
Seems that TKOLComboBox in KOL 1.89 crash when something isd associated with OnChange rather then OnSelChange and somebody clicked on right-top corner of control just over down arror symbol.
Best Regards
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ecm (2004-01-30 16:17) [2]У меня были похожие проблемы с ComboBox c Align = caClient, caTop, caBottom - под 98 ComboBox пытается сам настроить свою высоту и это приводит к бесконечной рекурсии - под XP/2000 все OK!
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