Текущий архив: 2004.04.18;
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ВнизВерсия 1.84 Найти похожие ветки
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Кладов (2003-08-31 18:58) [0]News from 31-Aug-2003
KOL and MCK news (v1.84):
[+]KOL: TMMTimer object added (multimedia timer object, inherited from
KOL.TTimer, with additional properties Resolution and Periodic). MCK:
new properties Multimedia, Resolution and Periodic added for
TKOLTimer, so timer in MCK application can be easy turned to
high-resolution multimedia timer.
[*]KOL: small change in ShowQuestionEx (call back is called before
[*]MCK: small change in TKOLForm.GeneratePAS by Alexander Shakhaylo:
nothing is doing if source file is not found on a disk.
[-]KOL: TBitmap.Canvas recreation fixed (method TBitmap.GetCanvas
changed. Without this fix, Canvas for Bitmap could not work correctly
after the first release of DC allocated). Thanks to Dmitry Zharov for
a bug report.
[-]KOL: TBitmap.FlipVertical asm-version fixed. Thanks to CompKiller
for a bug report.
[-]KOL: TIcon.LoadFrom... fixed for case of incorrect icons having
bHeight = bWidth * 2 in icon description. Thanks to Brdo for a bug
[+]KOL: TControl.TC_IndexOf, TC_SearchFor methods added - by Mr Brdo.
Other news:
[+]Tools: MCKAppExpert added by Alexander Shakhaylo.
[+]Sound, video: MPEGPlay application added which need not any codecs
installed on the PC and plays MP3 files itself, with all sources,
absolutely free - by Thaddy de Koning.
[+]Applications: Wallpaper changer application added - by CompKiller.
[+]Active-X: KOLWebBrowser object (with miror) added - by Dimaxx.
[*]Components: KOLMRBAdditions archive updated - by Mr Brdo.
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Gandalf © (2003-08-31 21:16) [1]2Kladov:
Код MCK IgnoreDefault:=F2 исправлен?
ЗЫ: Завтра умру но обновлюсь...
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BelchonokH © (2003-08-31 23:02) [2]А у меня Updater почему-то не обновляет mirror.pas, а обнуляет его, ещё ошибку выдаёт, типа прочитать не может... вроде всё с пасом в порядке...
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Кладов (2003-09-01 16:25) [3]это значит, mirror.pas был изменен каким-то макаром. Значит, надо возобновить версию 1.83 или 1.80 и применить соответствующее обновление. Ну, или возобновить 1.82, и применить два обновления.
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Текущий архив: 2004.04.18;
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