Текущий архив: 2004.04.18;
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ВнизKOL в LINUX Найти похожие ветки
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KreZ0n (2003-08-17 10:38) [0]Скажите, будут ли программы написанные на KOL работать в LINUX?
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Gandalf © (2003-08-23 15:37) [1]KOL только WinAPI держит (пока) хотя компилируется и на FPS (в Class версии). Потому - нет.
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Boguslaw (2003-08-26 21:44) [2]For this enterprise someone is needed with very good knowledge in KOL ,Delphi, WinAPI and also GTK+,Linux,Free Pascal
Cool ;-)
The problem is to make uniform API for both Windows and Linux opaque KOL or rewrite KOL to be uniform API
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Gandalf © (2003-08-28 18:17) [3]But it"s possible - now I"m looking on Kylix and CLX, how Borland do this... May be find good decision for this task.
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Boguslaw (2003-08-29 01:12) [4]Great. Maybe also KOL Studio ? I have one idea .... ;-)
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SPeller © (2003-08-29 03:51) [5]
> Boguslaw (29.08.03 01:12) [4]
Какая идея? :)
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Mustafa_Kalashnikov © (2003-08-29 10:59) [6]а не свести бы вам все библиотеки в одну и не обозвать бы ее KOLStudio? ;-)
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Gandalf © (2003-08-29 16:40) [7]What do you mean under KOL Studio?
Насчет сведения - нет проблемм, я так понимаю надо выбрать набор контролов и бибилиотек, которые надо включить в один пакет.
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Boguslaw (2003-08-30 19:28) [8]Well,I investigate possibilities and seems there are some related to GPL source of Dev C++ (Yes ! it"s not a mistake)
This project is related to MinGW and GCC but after modifications could stand as very good IDE even related to Delphi IDE with support od debugging with pasgdb.
I try to made it Delphi 5 compatible becouse I don"t have Delphi 6 but if someone has and want to try to compile original source would be great to saw what You think .
If it is possible then also possible is to write similiar support to register controls in IDE.
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