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ВнизVisual Database objects Найти похожие ветки
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Boguslaw (2003-07-07 17:48) [0]Hello,
What do You think about visual database objects in KOL ? How to implement them ? I"m wondering about abstract objects (with mostly abstract methods) :
based on TObj very similiar to that for KOLOLEDB and my KOLSQLite (and I plan to inherit my SQLite objects from them: TSLConnection from TConnection, TSLSession from TSession and TSLDataset from TDataset)
TDBCombobox etc.
based on TKOLCustomDbControl
Another idea is how to implement messages TDatasource <-> TDBEdit
I suggest registering global message and broadcasting from TDatasource ad vice versa . This way we could even synchronize data objects from two different programs if the same mark was used.
Any suggestions, questions,ideas very appreciated.
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alex_s (2003-07-16 06:32) [1]All I can say is: c"mon man, I like heroes ! :-)
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