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Текущий архив: 2002.11.18;
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ВнизКак определить дату и/или время создания каталога? Найти похожие ветки
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Warl (2002-11-08 23:37) [0]Как определить дату и/или время создания каталога?
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Николай Быков (2002-11-09 02:02) [1]________________________________________________________________
TSearchRec type
TSearchRec defines file information searched for by FindFirst or FindNext.
TSearchRec = record
Time: Integer;
Size: Integer;
Attr: Integer;
Name: TFileName;
ExcludeAttr: Integer;
FindHandle: THandle;
FindData: TWin32FindData;
The TSearchRec type defines file information searched for by a FindFirst or FindNext function call. If a file is found, the fields of the TSearchRec type parameter are modified to specify the found file.
Attr represents the file attributes of the file. Test Attr against the following attribute constants or values to determine if a file attribe matches the file"s properties.
Constant Value Description
faReadOnly $00000001 Read-only files
faHidden $00000002 Hidden files
faSysFile $00000004 System files
faVolumeID $00000008 Volume ID files
faDirectory $00000010 Directory files
faArchive $00000020 Archive files
faAnyFile $0000003F Any file
Note: The faReadOnly constant has the same name as the enumerated value that is defined by the TFieldAttribute type. If both the SysUtils and the Db units are used in your source files, you must disambiguate by specifying the unit to qualify the use of faReadOnly. That is, write SysUtils.faReadOnly.
To test for an attribute, combine the value of the Attr field with the attribute constant with the and operator. If the file has that attribute, the result will be greater than 0. For example, if the found file is a hidden file, the following expression will evaluate to True: (SearchRec.Attr and faHidden) <> 0.
Time contains the time stamp of the file. It can be converted to a TDateTime value using FileDateToDateTime.
Size contains the size of the file in bytes.
Name contains the base file name, including extension.
FindHandle is an internal handle used to track find state.
FindData contains additional information such as the file creation time, last access time, and both the long and short file names.
FileDateToDateTime function
Converts an OS timestamp value to TDateTime value.
file management routines
function FileDateToDateTime(FileDate: Integer): TDateTime;
A timestamp is a signed 32-bit integer, used by the OS to record information such as the date and time a file was modified. The precise format of a timestamp depends on the OS. Use FileDateToDateTime to convert a timestamp to a TDateTime value.
For example, use FileDateToDateTime to convert the file timestamp returned by FileGetDate or FileAge to a value that can be used with other VCL routines and properties. You may also need to use FileDateToDateTime to convert the Time field of the TSearchRec record used by the FindFirst and FindNext functions.
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Almaz (2002-11-09 03:16) [2]
> Warl (08.11.02 23:37)
> Как определить дату и/или время создания каталога?
Проще говоря:
function GetDirDateTime(const FileName: string): TDateTime;
Handle: THandle;
FindData: TWin32FindData;
LocalFileTime: TFileTime;
Temp: Integer;
Result := -1;
Handle := FindFirstFile(PChar(FileName), FindData);
if Handle <> INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE then
FileTimeToLocalFileTime(FindData.ftLastWriteTime, LocalFileTime);
if FileTimeToDosDateTime(LocalFileTime, LongRec(Temp).Hi,
LongRec(Temp).Lo) then
Result := FileDateToDateTime(Temp);
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