Текущий архив: 2002.05.13;
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ВнизListBox Найти похожие ветки
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Sewix (2002-04-28 15:05) [0]Делаю ListBox1.MultiSelect:=true;
Как узнать содержание выделенных строк.
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Vovchik (2002-04-28 15:15) [1]TCustomListBox.Selected
Indicates whether a particular item is selected.
property Selected[Index: Integer]: Boolean;
Use Selected to query the state of a particular item in the list box. If the item specified by the Index parameter is selected in the list box, the value of the Selected property is True. If the specified item is not selected, Selected is False.
The Index parameter is the item referenced by its position in the list box, with the first item having an Index value of 0.
An item is selected when the user highlights it. More than one item in the list box can be selected by setting the MultiSelect property to True. In this case, the Selected item is the one that has focus.
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Anatoly Podgoretsky (2002-04-28 15:16) [2]Selected, Items
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Song (2002-04-28 15:19) [3]With ListBox1 Do
For t:=0 to Items.Count-1 Do
IF Selected[t] then Memo1.Lines.Add(Items[t]);
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