Текущий архив: 2002.08.12;
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ВнизКак сохранить GIF? Найти похожие ветки
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BAY (2002-07-31 14:39) [0]Мастера, помогите плз. Как сохранить GIF с помощью Rx Lib?
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Skier (2002-07-31 14:43) [1]>BAY
TGIFImage.SaveToStream(...); ?
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BAY (2002-07-31 14:59) [2]мне надо упаковать кучу картинок в GIF
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Skier (2002-07-31 15:01) [3]>BAY
Ну и ?
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Leran2002 (2002-07-31 15:08) [4]Если Gif-файл загружен в TImage то:
Если Gif-файл загружен в TRxGIFAnimator то:
Не совсем хорошо сформулирован вопрос.
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BAY (2002-07-31 15:32) [5]Не могу поставить Rx Lib в D6 :(. Что делать? Пишет:
Can"t load package C:\delphi\d6\units\lib\dclrx6 не найден указанный модуль.
Хотя он туда компилируется. Сам видел, он там лежит
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Skier (2002-07-31 15:35) [6]>BAY
If you have Delphi 6 Professional or Personal Edition, deactivate the
conditional define {$DEFINE DCS} in the RX.INC file before compiling the
Use "File\Open..." menu item of Delphi IDE to open RX" runtime
package RXCTL6.DPK. In "Package..." window click "Compile" button to
compile packages RXCTL6.DPK. After compiling repeat that for other RX
Library run-time packages RXDB6.DPK, RXBDE6.DPK. Put compiled BPL files
into directory that is accessible through the search PATH (i.e. DOS
"PATH" environment variable; for example, in the Windows\System directory).
After compiling RX run-time packages you must install RX design-time
packages into the IDE.
Use "File\Open..." menu item to open RX design-time package DCLRX6.DPK.
In "Package..." window click "Compile" button to compile the package
and then click "Install" button to register RX Library components on
the component palette. Repeat that for other RX Library design-time
NOTE: do not save package sources in the Delphi IDE.
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BAY (2002-07-31 15:43) [7]Ок. Thanks.
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Skier (2002-07-31 15:45) [8]>BAY
What do you mean "OK"?
Have you installed the library ?
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BAY (2002-07-31 15:49) [9]>Have you installed the library ?
Not yet.
>What do you mean "OK"?
I"am understood my misstake.
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Skier (2002-07-31 15:58) [10]>BAY
> I"am understood my misstake
!!!??? Где ты английский учил, парень !?
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BAY (2002-07-31 16:03) [11]>>!!!??? Где ты английский учил, парень !?
Ок. Ок. I understood.
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Skier (2002-07-31 16:04) [12]>BAY
Про "misstake" забыл... :))
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