Текущий архив: 2003.10.06;
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Неправильное отображение таблицы в TRichEdit Найти похожие ветки
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prorok2 (2003-09-24 09:29) [0]Создал в Word"e таблицу и через буфер копирую в RichEdit. И таблица получается не такой, какой она в ворде. Есл в ячейке, например, много строк, то компонента делает все в одну строку, не смотрит на границу ячейки. Пробовал использовать TRXRichEdit - то же самое :(. Как с этим бороться?
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Ru (2003-09-24 09:36) [1]RichView - 100$
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pasha_golub (2003-09-24 10:05) [2]Ворд и РичЭдит - это разная разница :-)
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Ru (2003-09-24 10:25) [3]RichView XML v.1.1.2
By Jiшн Banzet. RichViewXML is TRichView addition for saving XML files. It has own XML DTD for effective saving all TRichView content (including bullets, hotspots, controls, tables and so on) and much more... Requires TRichView version 1.6.7 or higher.
Fully functional Source: Included
TRichView (freeware) v.0.5.2
By Sergey Tkachenko. TRichView components can contain:
text with various fonts and colors (font styles are concentrated in TRVStyle component and can be edited at run time or at design time by special property editor),
pictures (bitmaps, icons, metafiles),
pictures from Image Lists (they also can be hypertext links),
any Delphi components (and they will work as usual).
background bitmap (it can be tiled or stretched, scrolled or not). You can hide or show vertical scrollbar, and you have full control over vertical scrolling.
printing (with new TRVPrint component) (limitation: inserted components are not printed in this version)
saving to text file or html file (limitation: images are saved as windows bitmaps so this html file can be viewed only in browsers wich support this format (MS IE, for example); but you can override virtual method for picture saving)
ability to get word right- or double-clicked
ability to remove some lines
ability to add new lines without reformatting of whole document (IRC-style autoscroll)
Price: $189
TRichView (freeware) v.0.5.2
Страницы: 1 вся ветка
Текущий архив: 2003.10.06;
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Память: 0.45 MB
Время: 0.008 c