Текущий архив: 2005.10.23;
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Volf_555 (2005-09-30 22:42) [0]Кода я пишу TimeToStr(Time), то время выводится в формате:
Как сделать так, чтобы время выводилось в формате:
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Adder © (2005-09-30 23:03) [1]F1 TimeToStr + Currency and date/time formatting variables
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werewolf_ (2005-09-30 23:04) [2]Naprimer tak
procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
F: TFormatSettings;
F.ShortDateFormat:="mm dd";
Button1.Caption:=TimeToStr(Now, F);
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Volf_555 (2005-09-30 23:08) [3]А какой подключить модуль для работы программы с TFormatSettings?
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faeton (2005-10-01 00:14) [4]можно еще так:
time:=format("hh:mm",now); //time- переменная типа string
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WereWolf_ (2005-10-01 00:46) [5]Unit
Delphi syntax:
TFormatSettings = record
CurrencyFormat: Byte;
NegCurrFormat: Byte;
ThousandSeparator: Char;
DecimalSeparator: Char;
CurrencyDecimals: Byte;
DateSeparator: Char;
TimeSeparator: Char;
ListSeparator: Char;
CurrencyString: string;
ShortDateFormat: string;
LongDateFormat: string;
TimeAMString: string;
TimePMString: string;
ShortTimeFormat: string;
LongTimeFormat: string;
ShortMonthNames: array[1..12] of string;
LongMonthNames: array[1..12] of string;
ShortDayNames: array[1..7] of string;
LongDayNames: array[1..7] of string;
TwoDigitYearCenturyWindow: Word;
TFormatSettings defines a data structure containing locale information used by string formatting routine. Each member of TFormatSettings is equivalent to the global variable with the same name. A variable of type TFormatSettings defines a thread-safe context that formatting functions can use in place of the default global context, which is not thread-safe.
To create and use the thread-safe environment defined by TFormatSettings, follow these steps:
Define a variable of type TFormatSettings
Call GetLocaleFormatSettings to populate the TFormatSettings variable with locale information.
Pass the TFormatSettings variable as the last parameter of the string formatting routine.
Each routine that accepts a TFormatSettings parameter is thread-safe, and is an overload of an equivalent function that refers to the global formatting variables.
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Германн © (2005-10-01 02:48) [6]Имхо, FormatDateTime - самый универсальный способ реализации сабжа.
Менять походя в программе форматы по умолчанию, по-моему moveton.
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