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Проблема с событием нажатия на клавишу!??   Найти похожие ветки 

HELPMEPLEASE   (2004-10-14 15:47) [0]

Уважаемые мастера. Возникла проблема. Почему-то на обработчик события нажатия на клавишу(ONKeyPress)  не отлавливает нажатие Entera Char(13), а остальные отлавливает, может кто нибудь всречался с этой проблемой?

begin...end ©   (2004-10-14 15:52) [1]

См. OnKeyDown, VK_RETURN

Злая девочка   (2004-10-14 18:06) [2]

>> begin...end ©   (14.10.04 15:52) [1]

procedure TForm1.FormKeyPress(Sender: TObject; var Key: Char);
if Key = CHAR(13) then ShowMessage("ENTER");

procedure TForm1.FormKeyPress(Sender: TObject; var Key: Char);
if Key = #13 then ShowMessage("ENTER");

procedure TForm1.FormKeyDown(Sender: TObject; var Key: Word;
 Shift: TShiftState);
if Key = VK_RETURN then ShowMessage("ENTER");

Киньте на пустую форму кнопку и уже не один этот код не будет работать?
KeyPreview тоже не поможет
Как с этим бороться?

MBo ©   (2004-10-14 18:19) [3]

>Злая девочка
CM_DIALOGKEY не спасет?

MBo ©   (2004-10-14 18:24) [4]

вот, кстати, Peter Below что пишет

> Is there Any way to Capture the Tab Key?

Several, in fact. The problem is to distinguish tab keys that come from
your scanner from those the user creates by pressing the tab key.

If the active control is a button or Tedit control (which do not process
tab themselves) then the form will get the key in the form of a

Let"s see, i have not posted this for some time and it is a bit hard to
find in the archives, so, enjoy <g>.

The control with focus will not receive all keys. The Windows/VCL key
handling mechanism works like this:

1. you press a key.
2. a WM_KEYDOWN or WM_SYSKEYDOWN message is put into the applications
   message queue.
3. the message loop code retrieves the message and, after some checks
   for special treatments (e.g. for MDI) hands it to a VCL function.
4. The function converts the message to a CN_KEYDOWN message and sends it
   to the control with focus.
5. The handler for this message in TWinControl first checks if the key
   is a keyboard shortcut for a menu item on the controls popup menu (if
   any), if not it checks all the popup menus of the controls parent
   controls and finally the forms main menu (if any). During this process
   the forms IsShortcut method is called and fires the OnShortcut event.
   IsShortcut also asks all actionlists on the form if one of their
   wants to handle the shortcut. IsShortcut and the OnShortcut event
   constitute the first chance to intercept the key at the form level.
6. If it is not a menu shortcut the key event is next send as a
   message to the control. The handler for this message in TWinControl
   nothing more than sending it to the controls parent. It will thus work
   its way up the parent chain until it finally reaches the form. This
   constitutes the second chance to trap the key event at the form level.
7. If the CM_CHILDKEY message is not handled by any receiver (none sets
   msg.result to 1) the code in TWincontrol.CNKeyDown then asks the
   whether it wants to handle the key event. However, it does this only if
   the key is one of the following: VK_TAB, VK_LEFT, VK_RIGHT, VK_UP,
   will be delivered to the control without further checks.
   CNKeyDown sends two messages to the control for these keys:
7b.WM_GETDLGCODE (which is the message Windows standard controls expect
   and handle).
8. If the control does not express an interest in the key (Tedit controls
   do not want VK_TAB, for instance) a CM_DIALOGKEY message is send to the
   form for these special keys. The default handler for this message in
   TCustomForm handles the navigation between controls in response to the
   key events and marks the message as handled. This message is the third
   opportunity to trap these keys on the form level. The default handler
   broadcasts the message to all TWinControls on the form, this is the
   way default and cancel buttons get aware of return and Escape key
   events even if they do not have the focus.
9. If the key message is still not marked as handled (msg.result is still
   the code path returns to the message loop and the message is finally
   handed to the API functions TranslateMessage (which generates a WM_CHAR
   message if the key produces a character) and DispatchMessage (which
   the key message to the controls window proc).
10. The controls handler for WM_KEYDOWN receives the message. The handler
   TWinControl calls the DOKeyDown method, passing the message parameters.
11. DoKeyDown checks if the parent forms KeyPreview property is true, if so
   it directly calls the DoKeyDown method of the form, which fires the
   OnKeyDown event. If the Key is set to 0 there, no further processing is
12. DoKeyDown calls KeyDown (which is virtual and can thus be overriden),
   TWinControl.KeyDown fires the controls OnKeyDown event. Again, if Key
   set to 0 there, no further processing is done on it.
13. Code flow returns to TWinControl.WMKeyDown, which calls the inherited
   handler. The key event finally gets to the default window function
   this way and may cause a visible action in the control.
As you can see the path of a key message is quite complicated. If you press
the tab key in an edit control the message will get up to step 8 and then
be processed on the form level as CM_DIALOGKEY, it is marked as handled
there, so all the steps further down are not executed and the control never
sees the WM_KEYDOWN message for it, so its OnKeyDown handler never fires
for a Tab.

The process offers the following points of intervention on the form level:

a) Application.OnMessage
This event is fired directly after the message has been retrieved from
the message queue in step 3, before anything further is done for it.
The event sees all messages that go through the message loop, not only
key messages.
b) The forms OnShortcut event.
If you add a handler for this message to the form it will see all key
events with the exeption of menu shortcuts. Such a handler would see
all tab key events, but also many others.
If you add a handler for this message it will see all the keys mentioned
in step 7, unless the control wants to handle them itself. This handler
would see VK_TAB if the active control is not a TMemo with WantTabs =
True or a TRichedit or grid control, for instance. I think for your
purpose handling CM_DIALOGKEY would be the correct choice. Do not forget
to call the inherited handler or form navigation will cease to work.

Злая девочка   (2004-10-14 18:43) [5]

MBo ©   (14.10.04 18:24) [4]
Ты ж мне его и давно вручил(посоветовал)
Конечно читала
Я чуть чуть придралась к begin...end
Ну злая я сегодня сорри
С уважением alena.svt

begin...end ©   (2004-10-14 18:45) [6]

> [5] Злая девочка   (14.10.04 18:43)

Ах вот оно что :-)))

По сабжу (автору это, похоже, действительно понадобится) - то же, что сказал [3] MBo ©   (14.10.04 18:19):

В private-секции:

procedure CMDialogKey(var Msg: TWMKey); message CM_DIALOGKEY

И реализация:

procedure TFormName.CMDialogKey(var Msg: TWMKey);
 if Msg.Charcode = 13 then ShowMessage("ENTER");

Злая девочка   (2004-10-14 18:56) [7]

begin...end ©   (14.10.04 18:45) [6]
Я в вас и не сомневалась
>> См. OnKeyDown, VK_RETURN ничего не даст и даже F1 имнно по этой процедуре и константе
Ну уж простите
C уважением
Добрая девочка

Плохиш ©   (2004-10-14 19:01) [8]

> Злая девочка   (14.10.04 18:06) [2]

KeyPreview := true;
и всё заработает.

begin...end ©   (2004-10-14 19:02) [9]

> [8] Плохиш ©   (14.10.04 19:01)

Ошибаешься, об том и речь.

Плохиш ©   (2004-10-14 19:13) [10]

> begin...end ©   (14.10.04 19:02) [9]

Так вы это делаете при фокусе на кнопке? 8-O
Тогда понятно, почему и некоторых вындовс падает :-)

begin...end ©   (2004-10-14 19:19) [11]

> [10] Плохиш ©   (14.10.04 19:13)

> Так вы это делаете при фокусе на кнопке?

Разумеется. Если там только кнопка, то где же может быть фокус?

> Тогда понятно, почему и некоторых вындовс падает

Поясни ;-)

HELPMEPLEASE   (2004-10-18 08:02) [12]

Всем Огромный спасибо за помощь!!!

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